Lent 2024: I Am Not My Own

I am not my own.
I am not my own.
Not in body, not in soul, 
In life nor even death.

I am not my own.
I am not my own.
I belong unto my faithful, 
Savior Jesus Christ.

I am not my own.
I am not my own.
Not in body, not in soul,
In life nor even death.

I am not my own.
I am not my own.
His blood has ransomed me 
From evil, set me free.

I am not my own.
I am not my own.
For my salvation 
All things work together 

In eternal life 
He gives me hope.
By the power of His Holy Spirit,
I will live for Him.

I am not my own.
I am not my own.
I belong unto my faithful, 
Savior Jesus Christ.

I belong to Him,
I belong to Him.
In life, in death
My only comfort

I belong to Him,
I will live for Him
Forever and ever
Forever and ever
Forever more.

Lent 2024: In Christ Alone

Helpful to print this up and keep in your Bible

1. In Christ Alone my hope is found—-Acts 4:12

He is my light my strength my song—-Psalm 27;1-2

This cornerstone, this solid Ground—-1 Pet. 2:7-8

Firm through the fiercest drought and storm–Mark 4:39

What heights of love, what depths of peace–Eph.3:18

When fears are stilled and strivings cease !!—Psalm 27:1

My Comforter my All in All– Heidelberg Catechism 1, My only comfort..is Jesus

Here in the love of Christ I stand—Eph 3:18; Rom 8:31,35-39

2. In Christ alone!-who took on flesh Mt.: Lk2; Phil 2

Fullness of God in helpless babe!-Gal 4:4; Phil 2:7; Col 1:19

This gift of love and righteousness—John3:16

Scorned by the ones He came to save—Isaiah 53:3; Mt 21:42

Till on that cross as Jesus died–Matt 27:50; Mark Luke John.

The wrath of God was satisfied-II Corinthians 5:21

For every sin on Him was laid—Hebrews 9:22

Here in the death of Christ I Live—II Corinthians 5:17

3. There in the ground His body lay—Matt 27:60; Mark..Luke…John

Light of the world by darkness slain–John 3:19

Then bursting forth in glorious Day–Matt:28:6 Mark..Luke…John

Up from the grave he rose again—I Corinthians 15:20

And as He stands in victory–Eph.1:21-23;Rev 5:13

Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me–Romans 8:32

For I am His and He is mine–Romans 14:7-9

Bought with the precious blood of Christ—Hebrews:9:22

4. No guilt in life no fear in death–Psalms 27:1;13-14

This is the power of Christ in me—Philippians 1:21

From Life’s first cry to final breath—Romans 14:7-9

Jesus commands my destiny—Eph 2:8-10

No power of hell no scheme of man—Matt 16:18

Can ever pluck me from His hand—John 10:28-30

Till He returns or calls me home—Matt 24:30-31; 1 Thes 4:16-18

Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand!!!—Ephesians 6:10-29

Shared by Nick and Diana Laninga

Lent 2024: Glory

Lord what would give Thee glory?
Surely not my myriad melancholy days
Nor the stony silence of unwhispered praise. 
I wallow in this selfish despair
And satisfy guilt with voices that aren’t there.

Lord what would give Thee glory?
Religious nothings and solemn fasts,
The heavy regrets of sins long past, 
Are only tokens of my prideful shame
Bringing attention to only my name. 

Lord what would give Thee glory?
Naught are the words and poems and songs
I write for myself, who I feel belongs
Every attention and all the praise, 
Not my Maker or His marvelous ways. 

Lord what would give Thee glory?
Not the perfect health of body and soul
Or the meaningless purity of my lifelong goals. 
Not the ways in which I plan to obey, 
Or the admirable “Christianity” I put on display. 

Lord what would give Thee glory? 
Not icy attention to the living Word
Or the burden and normality of sermons to be heard.
Oh this contrived emotion and mechanical song
Are merely routine, all sincerity gone. 

Lord, I do not give Thee glory. 
This blackened heart so depraved 
And worthless rituals half in the grave
Cannot even begin to be worthy of Thee
I’m utterly lost, there is nothing in me. 

Lord, who gave you glory?
The blind and lame, the wretched, despised,
The harlots, the deaf, the lost, and the spies. 
Broken and trembling, all turning to Thee,
So broken Thyself and hung on a tree. 

Oh Lord, teach me Thy glory:
Samaritan love to the crippled unseen,
Anonymous service to the troubled unclean.
For it was I that was them, and was given Thy grace,
Now only through Thee may they see Thy loving face. 

Father, Thy glory surprised me:
It wasn’t the grand, ceremonious things,
Religion, perfection, or whatever joy brings,
From all worldly pleasures, Christ wants nothing more,
Than our broken, humble hearts for Him to adore.
~ Noa Lovegren “Glory”

Finding Faith

But who can endure the day of his coming?
Who can stand when he appears?
For he will be like a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap.

Malachi 3:2

The other day I received a message on my computer; evidently I had done something that fouled the computer and it could do some irreparable harm if not corrected immediately. I called my daughter Nancy, our computer person, and she came and rescued me.
We receive messages all the time. Most are non-threatening but occasionally you get one like the one about my computer.
The most important and sometimes frightening are the ones we get from the Lord. Such was the case with Malachi’s message to Israel. He came as a messenger from the Lord with a most alarming message. To an unfaithful  people, the Lord, the messenger of the covenant, would come, and would come suddenly. And he would come as a refiner’s fire to see if there were any who in faith revealed something of the likeness of their Lord. In the words of Jesus, “would he find any faith?”All he found were unrighteous, self serving covenant breakers. To keep covenant was to love God and their neighbor, but there was no evidence of this. Consequently God said, “I will come near to you for judgment.”(3:5)  But there is a word of hope a promise of rescue: “But to you who revere my name the sun of righteousness will arise with healing in it’s wings.”(4:12)
For us today the sudden coming of which Malachi predicts will happen once again. Once again the question Jesus posed will be valid, “Will he find any faith on the earth?”(Luke 18:8)
We live in a difficult day for Christians. Our testimony to the Truth is being challenged and abnegated with venom. Speaking the name of Jesus in the Public Square will, by some, cause you to be charged with Hate Speech.  We are going to be challenged openly and viciously at every turn. It will come to the point that our very lives will be in danger.Are you and I willing to give our lives for the Lord Jesus?  The “rescuer” says, “Fear not I have overcome the world.” I wonder if this is why Jesus posed the question, “When the Son of Man comes will he find faith on the earth?”
~Pastor Jack Matheis

Everything That Has Breath

Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.   Praise the LORD!
Psalm 150: 6  

As living creatures, with breath, we are commanded to praise the LORD!
WHEN do I praise the LORD?

Only on Sunday?

Only when something “good” happens in life?

Only during my devotional time?

Only at dawn, like the birds?

Or like Paul, who reminds us to “pray (praise) constantly”?

HOW do I praise God?

Only with the spoken / written word?

With song: voice and instruments?

With my actions?

WHY do I Praise the LORD?

Because He has blessed me richly.

Because He has designed and created a beautiful earth for us to enjoy.

Because He is just and merciful.

Because He is righteous.

Because of His steadfast love for His people.

Because He is faithful and true to His promises.

Because He is Holy!

Because He is LORD of Lords and KING of Kings!

Let everything that has breath PRAISE the LORD!

~Pam Herbert

As a Mother Comforts

Isaiah 66:13–As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem.

Even the most grown up of adults needs a mom again when times get rough — we need someone who loves us no matter what, who knows exactly what to say, what to do,  and how to make things feel better.  Even Jesus, God Incarnate on earth, needed a mother.  The one God chose, Mary,  stood by Him through his tough times of being rejected by men, even to the end of His life.  As He was lifted from the cross she likely received Him into her arms once again, cradling Him just as she had when He was born and needed her loving comfort.

God knows His Son needed the comforting of a mother, as do we.

And so a young woman became His mother that holy night.

E. Gibson