Christ Comes to Us to Give Us Eternal Life

“I am the living bread that came from heaven.  If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever.  This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”
John 6:51

Jesus is explaining to the crowd that He is the living bread, greater than the manna, which Moses provided.  The manna will only sustain life for one day.   Jesus offers bread not just to sustain life for a day…… but for all eternity.

As we come to the communion table, we remember: why Christ came and why he died.  We think of our sin.  We think of Jesus being broken on the cross to satisfy God’s wrath against sin.  We have grateful hearts that because of His life and death, we have forgiveness and relationship with God.

But,   do we think about eternal life?    That time to come when we will LIVE  with our God,  have face to face access,  worship in spirit and truth.  That time when we  will live in His realized kingdom where there is NO pain, NO sorrow, NO tears, NO darkness, NO sin, NO fear, NO DEATH!  The Eternal Kingdom of GOD where there is Truth and Light and Joy and Love and Peace and God Himself,   ETERNALLY !!!

Like many in scripture, we wonder:  “what must I do to gain this eternal life?”
Jesus answers, “Believe in me, the Son of God.” (John 3:16-21)

As you “eat this bread”  Believe Him.  Believe in Him, Jesus Christ, Son of God!  Remember His promise  and this glimpse of eternal life.
~Pam Herbert

The Lord’s Breath

A voice says, “Cry out!” Another asks, “What should I cry out?” The first voice responds: “All people are like grass, and all their promises are like the flowers in the field. 7 The grass dries up, the flowers wither, when the wind sent by the Lord blows on them. Surely humanity is like grass. 8 The grass dries up, the flowers wither, but the decree of our God is forever reliable.”
Isaiah 40:6-8

“The word of our God stands forever” – always the closing statement at the end of the scripture reading by a certain pastor.

While true, what a shock to see the context!

God’s breath brings judgement and death onto all the pretty false pleasures which we humans desire and pursue.

God breathes death onto all that is false.

BUT God’s breath breathes life into Adam.

God’s WORD – LOGOS -CHRIST  stands forever and gives us ETERNAL LIFE.

Pursue HIM!

~Pam Herbert

Breath and Bones

Then he said to me “Prophesy over these bones, and say to them, O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.  Thus says the LORD GOD to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live.  And I will lay sinews upon you, and cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live, and you shall know that I am the LORD.
Ezekiel 37: 4-6 (1-14)   

I wake…my bones ache.

Look outside….dark and rainy AGAIN!

My spirit feels dry and empty…………………………….

But wait!

My bones are NOT picked clean.

I HAVE heard the Word of the LORD.

I do have life.  I do have hope.

God has breathed…new Life, His  Spirit,  Eternal Hope, Eternal LIfe!

Come LORD Jesus!  Maranantha!

~Pam Herbert

The Breath of Life

Then the LORD GOD formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living creature.
Genesis 2: 7 

God formed men of dust, and breathed in life.

What have I ever formed?  a piece of pottery?  a beautiful wooden cabinet?  a carved bird?  a pie?

I can add bright color, or lemon, or chili peppers for  “spice” or “zest”…..but neither gives life.

We breath   In…. Out….IN…..Out……

We have classes to teach CPR  .. restoring breath.

We have oxygen generators to ease breathing.

Breathing equals life.  Yet WE can not “create living creatures.”

LIFE …only from the breath of God.

ETERNAL LIFE …only  from the Eternal Word…Jesus.  “I AM the way the truth and the Life!”

~Pam Herbert